I have kind of a food forest in my backyard, and tulsi basil is among the most prolific of my yearly volunteers. I can’t remember why I planted it years ago. I think it was to make tea, which I did try making and didn’t care for. Yesterday, I walked by a tulsi basil plant buzzing with bees, and decided to try making tea again. You just changed my mind. I am making pad krapow! What a great article! Thanks for the inspiration!

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My favourite Thai dish! ❤️ Luckily in the UK I can get holy basil without too much trouble, as I'm incapable of keeping even the hardiest plants alive...

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My mouth was watering while I read this wonderful piece. That dish is on my radar and Will Be Made. I’m buying holy basil seeds today and will sow them in early spring. One question: do you know if holy basil (as opposed to Thai basil) can be used in other Thai recipes such as a green curry?

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I don't see why not. The flavor is different, for sure, but I bet it's great in those dishes too.

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